Monday, July 12, 2010

Banana Mint Chocolate Chip frozen yogurt pops!

My husband, myself and our 10yr old son all really enjoy the Art of Cooking. Eating well is a huge part of our daily practice. We spend a lot of time planning, preparing, and enjoying the pleasures of healthy & delicious food, and of course, each others precious company ;-)

The other day, our son created a really delicious summer time treat. As we like to say, our creations are, "Organic, homemade, and full of love!"

Frozen bananas are something we have quite a collection of. Whenever our bananas are looking too ripe, we just put them in the freezer.

This recipe includes taking frozen bananas, simply cut off the peel and put them in your food processor. Then we added fresh mint from our garden, some 72% dark chocolate, and plain lowfat yogurt.

Blend until desired consistency, and pour into ice pop holders.

Voila, a delicious, nutritious, cooling summer time treat.

Enjoy some with your family today!


  1. ooo, I have some bananas on the way out and some vanilla yogurt close to its expiration date. thanks for the great idea!

  2. My pleasure, I am sure your boys will love 'em, and you too!

