Saturday, August 28, 2010

"Your Brain On Gadgets" - interesting article on NPR

"Science is beginning to embrace the idea that some technology is Twinkies and some technology is Brussels sprouts." the article says.

So, if your like me, and can feel drained by technology, get out into Nature and align with your True Nature!

I will be posting about our recent trip to Maine, where this point is further expressed - so stay tuned!


Monday, August 16, 2010

Does Yoga & Meditation help release stress?

Recently, a journalist for a health magazine asked me how the practice of Yoga & Mediation can help release stress.

I thought I'd share some of my thoughts from the conversation here.

"Practicing Yoga & Meditation has a profound effect on the Mind, Body & Spirit.

When we use these timeless practices, we can experience balance and renewal.

While releasing tension, and restoring ourselves back to our original state of bliss, this practice helps us to receive all that we need to be present in life.

Since Yoga is a complete practice, combining our Body, Mind & Spirit. We use movement of our body, combined with focused attention to our breath, focusing our mind on positive, healing aspects and the present moment. This is just an example, as there are many things you can focus on that will help you achieve a balanced mind.

Absolutely anyone can practice Yoga & Meditation. Just find a reputable Teacher or look into some other forms of instruction like books or on the internet. No one should feel intimidated, with the right instruction, anyone can be taught how to practice Yoga & Meditation.

The most accessible aspect of Yoga that anyone can practice anywhere, is Pranayama, or Breathing Techniques. You dont have to be flexible, or even need to move. You can even practice it without anyone noticing, which is great in stressful situations. There are many different Pranayamas in Yoga.

If you are alive, you can breath!

For a simple stress or anxiety release, just breath in and out through your nose, or exhale with an open mouth.

Try to match the length of each inhale and exhale, lengthening the breath more and more until you have reached long, smooth, breaths of about equal lengths.

Then, to add to that, try extending the length of the exhales longer than the inhales.

So for example, you can put a count to the breath.

Inhale, 1, 2, 3, exhale 1, 2, long, and smooth as possible.

After awhile, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, perhaps, and if that is comfortable and you want to extend the exhales, try 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 for example.

Make sense?"

I hope you enjoyed my thoughts on the practice of Yoga & Meditation and how they can help in releasing stress.

Share the gift of yoga, send it to a friend, I am sure they will appreciate it!!

With Gratitude & Abundance always ;-))

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Nothing like a good long Adho Mukha Svanasana

Nothing like a good long Adho Mukha Svanasana a.k.a. downward facing dog to relieve your body after a long hike. As well as the unlimited possibilities you can explore in such a magical place as the Green Mountains in Vermont!

Last week we had our annual visit with our favorite cousins. They are truly Kindred Spirits. We always enjoy being together, having adventures in nature and finding our Bliss!

We hiked the up this majestic mountain range. It was so surreal, the trail was literally hiking up waterfalls. The rocks were so unique, the radiant fauna & flora, and all the delicious smells...

The elevation gain was 800', and we were up at 3000'. A pretty good hike with a 10yr old and 1yr old in tow. (The 1yr old got a ride in his Papa's backpack ;-))

You can see by the view how magical these Green Mountains truly are. So, remember to Find Your Bliss, when ever, and where ever you can!

When Yoga Hurts?? a link from NY Times

I couldn't help but read this caption...NY Times writes on the subject, check out the link below.

I am happy to say their perspective completely supports our style here at Sacred Space Yoga!

Our individual classes and groups with no more than 4 people eliminates these concerns.

Be careful Yogi's & Yogini's, it can be dangerous out there!